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8 Best Geofencing Apps for Android & iPhone

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As parents, our children’s safety and well-being are a number one concern.

If you want to feel safer and end the worry-anxiety cycle when your child isn’t at home, we’ve compiled 8 best geofencing software so you can PROTECT your kids from danger and restricted areas.

Geofencing apps can also be used with any other family members such as elderly parents. But for this article, I will only be mentioning children.

8 Best Geofencing Applications for Android and iPhones

Below is a list of the best geofencing apps for both the iOS and Android platforms.

Each app mentioned is great, and you would be fine downloading any one of these.

Though I will say, I highly recommend either mSpy or KidsGuard Pro for being all-around parental control apps that can guarantee security and safety.

1. mSpy

Not only is mSpy a geofencing app, but it also gives the option to track all the activity on the target device.

It’s like you’re hitting two birds with 1 stone with this app!

This includes all keystrokes and passwords and makes it one of the best parental control apps. Some may argue that this is the best geofencing app out there.

The mSpy app provides access to photos, messages, call logs, social media activities, and so much more to help you keep your child safe from suspicious people ALL OVER the web.

An even better feature?

You don’t even have to root or jailbreak your Android or iOS device to use mSpy!

On the downside, the geofencing feature is only available in the ultimate edition of the mSpy app, which costs slightly more.

But once you get this, you can get the location tracking feature and makes use of a GPS sensor, which makes it HIGHLY accurate.

What I love about mSpy is…

  • It’s a great all-around parental control app for Android and iPhone devices
  • Supports Windows PC and Mac OS
  • As parents, your mind will surely be at ease if you use this app.
  • Has spy features that make sure the targeted person will not know that they are being tracked.
  • It’s the perfect application for parents who want to know where their child is at all times and track their activity without any worry of being found out.

3. KidsGuard Pro

KidsGuard Pro is a very accurate and efficient geofencing app. The geofencing feature works well on this app and is sure to keep you within the loop of your child’s location.

However, KidsGuard Pro’s most appealing function to parents would be…

It can function in stealth mode, so your kid won’t be able to detect it on their device.

Parents can customize the working time as needed, so if you only want to track your children at a certain time KidsGuard Pro can make it happen EASILY.

This would be helpful if you want to convince your kid to download the app. You can set a promised time that they will be tracked and come to an agreement.

That’s not all.

To add to all of that, it sends you a comprehensive report of geofence passes and location data through email.

This is a great option if you only want to monitor your kid at certain parts of the day. However, while this is great for Android, it is not available on the iPhone.

4. EgiGeozone Geofence

EgiGeozone Geofence is one of the best geofencing apps for android.

One of its most appealing features is its high location accuracy so that you receive accurate data of your child’s whereabouts every time.

It helps determine your kids’ location and trigger actions when leaving or entering a set geofence. This is done by using sensors in the phone or tablet.

Not only does this app notify you of your child’s location details, but it features the ability to switch off the lights or close the garage door when you leave the house using your device.

You can also set multiple geofence zones by navigating the map or entering coordinates. You can even name each geofence for easy navigation.

How is this useful?

If your child goes to multiple places in a day or if you have 2 or 3 children you want to monitor, parents can use this feature to the best of its capabilities.

To top it all off, EgiGeozone Geofence is one of the few FREE geofencing apps.

This is a great app for Android, but iPhone users are out of luck here, as it is not available for iOS.

4. Kaspersky Safe Kids

Kaspersky Safe Kids is a pretty well-known Android app with over 1,445 reviews and an overall 4.5 rating.

Its popularity is due to being able to track your kid’s usage and block offensive content such as apps or websites from their device.

And of course, Kaspersky Safe Kids has proven to be an accurate geofencing app.

Something unique about Kaspersky os you can also see your child’s battery percentage on their device.

This is helpful to know so that if their phone battery dies, you know that you should find other ways to get in touch with them.

It’s clear that Kaspersky Safe Kids was an app designed with the best intentions of keeping your child safe.

It’s also a free app for Android and iPhone devices, but you have to pay for better or more features.

5. Spyzie

Mobile Phone Monitoring App and Tracking Solution | Spyzie

Spyzie features a friendly, easy to navigate user interface.

This simple parental control app can protect children from cyberbullying by checking their internet browsing content on their device.

It also serves as a solid geofencing app. It can notify you when your child leaves or enters the virtual fence you created for them.

This app allows you to access any text message, contacts, and GPS location.

It also has a stealth function, so kids won’t suspect their parent’s virtual presence.

This app is available for both Android and iPhone devices. However, the features are limited in an iOS device.

The ultimate edition of Spyzie has some additional features you might like- timeline, data exports, and alerts. This is only an extra 10 dollars a month, compared to the premium version of the app.

6. Famisafe

The Famisafe app offers traditional parental control features – you get daily activity reports on your child’s screen time and app usage.

Like most geofencing apps, you can track your kid’s location. You can create geofence zones and get notifications when your child arrives safely in the zone, such as their school zone or home zone.

This app works with both Android and iPhone. However, the features on Android and iOS devices are different. Only the Android app has GPS location tracking and the ability to view browsing history.

Famisafe is great for parents who want a simpler app that can help them to keep their child safe while still letting them have their privacy.

7. Bit Guardian

This is one of the apps for Android that would work great for older or more rebellious teens.

Now, here’s something unique about Bit Guardian…

You can set a speed limit for your children who drive. It notifies you if your child is going over the speed limit on your devices.

Not many geofencing apps have this feature.

This app can help monitor your kids when driving and ensures they don’t go on a road rampage.

That includes informing you whether they’re on their way home or not.

Other than that, it uses an accurate location tracker, creates a safer zone for your child, and notifies you when they leave or enter this zone.

8. Geo Alert: Location Reminder

Geo Alert: Location Reminder, is a GPS-based application.

It’s different from other geofencing apps, as it doesn’t fully provide parental control.

The Geo Alert: Location Reminder app is actually for you, rather than for your kids.

It sets reminders based on your location. So if you hit a certain geofence, it tells you EXACTLY what you should be doing in that location.

This is helpful for the forgetful parent that needs constant reminders on errands that need to be done, such as picking up your kids from school!

This is available for Android but not iOS.

What a Parent Can Get from a Geofencing App

There are plenty of reasons to get a geofencing app. I’ll just list a few:

  • You can set forbidden areas and be notified in case your child enters that area.
  • You can be aware when they enter school to make sure they are attending classes.
  • In the case of a kidnapping, you can track their location and have an easier time finding them, assuming they keep their device on them.
  • It can also be used for anyone with a phone, be it a spouse, elderly parent, or any of your family members who would need extra safety measures.

How to Convince Your Child to Download a Geofencing App

Although there are ways to stealthily track your children’s location, I would recommend you get consent from them first to download a geofencing application.

However, kids would be hesitant to give their parents access to their location and information on their devices

Who can blame them?

So here’s a solution:

If you want to convince them to cooperate, start by mentioning the safety benefits.

Convince them they can trust you, and that you won’t abuse their trust. After all, a parent-child relationship should be built on mutual trust.

How Geofencing Apps Work

With advanced technology such as this, it’s understandable if you’re confused about how geofencing apps work.

Let’s start with the basics. What you will need to make this work would be smart devices for both you and your child. You’ll be able to sync to the target device and start creating your virtual fences.

The app is able to track their location by using Wi-Fi, cellular data, GPS, and even Bluetooth connections.

It does not require any additional hardware, which makes it pretty convenient.

Time to Protect Your Children

We all love our children, and we want what is best for them.

Making sure they are safe on their cell phone and in life is one job we have to do as parents, and these geofencing apps for android can definitely help.

Remember to use these responsibly. Geofencing your kids without your child’s knowledge can be tempting, but this could lead to distrust down the line.

Trust between a parent and child is what is most important, and although many of these apps can stealthily track your children’s phone usage and location, I recommend getting consent from them first.

Set your boundaries with your children and respect them. Remember, they deserve your respect just as much as you deserve theirs.

About the Author

Jason has over 25 years in the information and internet security industry. He is passionate about smartphones, gadgets, and technology. He also got a solid background in programming and software.  This includes Python, C++, app development and more.

jason thompson