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How to Sync My Boyfriend’s Phone to Mine

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Are you suspicious of who your husband or boyfriend is texting or calling?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Trust is difficult in the age of secretive cheating applications and messaging apps.

I get emails all the time asking how can I sync my boyfriend’s phone to mine without him knowing.

In today’s world it’s incredibly easy to use technology to cheat on a partner. But there are also powerful spy apps to help catch a cheater.

Let’s take a look at one way you can sync your boyfriend’s phone to yours to keep an eye on his text messages, social media accounts and more.

Syncing My Boyfriends Phone To Mine

Unless you’re a tech whiz there’s really no simple way to sync your boyfriend’s phone without using spy software.

There ARE ways to clone a phone, but these are extremely complicated and not worth the time or effort.

There is basically one method I would recommend if you’re trying to catch your boyfriend cheating.

Cell phone surveillance apps. These apps allow you to hack into text messages, track GPS location, see phone call logs, and monitor social media accounts.

Now before you go to Google to start looking at all the options out there you need to know a few important details.

There are dozens of these apps out there. And most of them are complete garbage.

Many of the companies that make these apps are based outside the U.S. and offer little to no support, terrible refund policies, and in many cases they don’t even work.

Another key detail is that different types of phones have different requirements.

Let’s take a look at the two most popular smartphone operating systems and some tools you can use to track them.

Syncing Your Boyfriend’s iPhone

ios logo

While Apple prides itself on having world class encryption and security, they’re phones are actually the easiest to monitor and track.

This is because all of the data from an iPhone is usually backed up to the iCloud account of the user.

If you can get your hands on the username (their email address) and their password (probably the same as all their other passwords), you can spy on your boyfriend’s phone without him knowing.

In many cases you can do this without EVER touching his phone. Crazy, right?

My favorite app for doing this on an iPhone is uMobix.

Why do I like uMobix? Because this app offers more features than any other software. You can see his text messages, his Facebook account, Facebook Messages, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Skype.

You’ll also be able to see his phone contacts, call logs, and the GPS location of the phone.

Click here to learn more about uMobix

All of this without ever having to touch your boyfriend’s phone.

Another option is to use location sharing. This allows you to see where his phone is from your phone. But it does require access to his iPhone to set this up.

Syncing Your Boyfriend’s Android

If you boyfriend has an Android device it’s a bit more difficult to sync or monitor.

Because there is no Android equivalent of iCloud you’ll need to install the app directly on your boyfriend’s phone.

To do this you’ll need a his passcode, and a few minutes to download and setup the app.

One of my favorite spying apps for Androids is SPYIC.

Like uMobix they offer the most features of anyone in the industry. They also have a very reasonable refund policy and good tech support.

With SPYIC you’ll be able to monitor his Facebook account and messages, Instagram, Snapchat, Tinder, Viber, and more.

You’ll also be able to see who he’s calling and texting along with all the phone’s location data.

Click Here to Learn More about SPYIC

Getting Started

Step 1: Purchase SPYIC or another comparable product.

Step 2: Install the app on the target phone. Double check that the app icon is hidden from view.

Step 3: Make the required changes in the operating system settings of the mobile phone

Step 4: Login to your dashboard to view phone calls, media files, gps location, contact names, sim card information, and other phone data. (It can take a few hours or the account sync to happen)

If at any point you have a problem with the application you have the option to contact their support on their website.

Another Solution

Another solution to the apps listed above is mSpy. They have been in the business since 2006 and offer a solid application. It’s a bit more expensive than my first two choices, but it will work on both an Android or iPhone.

Rooting or Jailbreaking His Phone

If you’ve been looking into cell phone surveillance apps you’ve probably seen the terms “jailbreaking” and “rooting”.

These are essentially unlocking the built-in security of the phone. While this can give you complete access to EVERYTHING on the phone, it will also void the warranty.

If you’re looking at an app that tells you need to take this step, I would highly recommend you go with a different solution.

The two apps I mentioned above will allow you to see everything you could possibly want without having to void the warranty of his device.

Google Sync

One of the solutions I often see thrown around when talking about syncing someone’s phone is the use of Google Sync.

Androids allow you to sync multiple devices using Google Sync. But synchronizing his phone to yours wont’ give you access to messages, location, calls etc.

A Word of Warning

If you’ve been searching for how to sync my boyfriend’s phone to mine, you should know that spying on someone’s phone is only legal with their consent.

Even just reading someone’s texts is a grey area.

Sometimes people (men and women) with relationship problems get caught up in the emotions and end up putting themselves in a compromised situation.

People use these applications all the time, but just be careful.

About the Author

Jason has over 25 years in the information and internet security industry. He is passionate about smartphones, gadgets, and technology. He also got a solid background in programming and software.  This includes Python, C++, app development and more.

jason thompson