Home » Parental Control Apps » Safe Lagoon Review for 2022: Parental Monitoring & Control App

Safe Lagoon Review for 2022: Parental Monitoring & Control App

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In this Safe Lagoon review I’ll show you how you can protect your kids from everything from exploitation to cybercrime when they surf the internet.

At their young ages, they may not have the experience to comprehend what’s going on in the digital sphere and can quickly fall victim to many cybercrimes. Luckily, parents can monitor what their kids are doing online with the help of parental monitoring apps such as Safe Lagoon.

My Safe Lagoon Review

safe lagoon logo

Safe Lagoon is a parental control app that lets you monitor what your kids are doing with their devices. The app enables you to spy on messages they send or receive, dialed or incoming calls, websites accessed, etc.

As their parent, you can interfere with them as you deem fit. With it, you can block the sites you think are not suitable for your kid to access, delete messages, or even block calls.

This means that the software gives you complete control over what your young ones access using their tablet or smartphone. Something you will like about this intelligent spying tool is that your kids cannot uninstall it.

You are the only person who can uninstall the app using specific codes. Therefore, there will never come a time when your kids will access the internet without your protection.

How Does Safe Lagoon Work?

For Safe Lagoon to work, you must begin by downloading it from their official website https://safelagoon.com/en/ or the Google Play Store. If you are downloading from them directly, you will be prompted to start by signing up for a user account. Then proceed with the download and install the software in the device you want to monitor.

Enter your login details, and a prompt will appear suggesting some of the things you should monitor. You can take several steps, including the following:

Filtering Websites

After setting up your application successfully, you can now filter the sites that your young ones can access and restrict the ones they shouldn’t be able to view online. Blocking the sites you don’t think are appropriate is a walk in the park as it involves a few straightforward steps:

  1. Open the app
  2. Press the green line labeled “Internet”
  3. On the drop-down that appears, select “More”
  4. Click on “Rules” at the bottom right
  5. Enter the websites you wish to block
  6. Select “Deny”

This added website will be permanently blocked from your kid’s access. And if by any chance they can access the site, you will be notified immediately so that you can take quick action.

Blocking and Allowing Applications

Besides blocking or allowing access to certain websites, Safe Lagoon lets you decide on the apps your children can use. Allowing or denying desired apps is pretty simple – you simply need to:

  1. Open the application
  2. Select Screen Time
  3. Navigate to the “App Used” icon and then to White & Black App
  4. From here, you can now add the applications you wish to unblock or block.

Filtering Internet Content

This real-time intelligent kid monitoring tool can limit the information accessible to your children on the internet by setting specific parameters.

It derives information from a massive database that’s checked constantly whenever your children attempt to access websites. If the app detects inappropriate content, e.g., pornography or drugs, it instantly denies access to such websites.

Instant Message Record

With this app, parents can easily monitor various messaging apps that their young ones are using. For instance, you can spy messages on Facebook, Viber, WhatsApp, Skype, etc. Besides seeing messages, you can check their contacts as well.

  1. Open and run the application
  2. Navigate to “Social Tab”
  3. Select Chats

Once done successfully, you will see who they are chatting with and what they talk about.

Monitor Social Networks

Safe Lagoon will reveal to you what your kids do on social platforms. This feature is, however, limited to VKontakt, YouTube, and Instagram.

Calls and Text Control

You will like that the app lets you decide who can call or text your kids. If they receive or make any calls, a detailed report is sent to you – you can then take the most appropriate action.

Comparing Safe Lagoon to Other Parental Monitoring Apps

  App/Features     Cost   Messages and Call Monitoring   Downloadable software   Location monitoring   Time limit control      
1.   Safe Lagoon   The basic plan is complimentary, while the paid plan is $7 for a big family.   * *Software available for Android and Windows   Offers instant monitoring   *      
2.   Google family link   Free   *   Downloadable software available *   *      
3.   mSpy   $29.99/mo Basic
$69.99/mo Premium  
*   Android only  *   *      
4.   Find my kids   one-time payment $25.55   *   Downloadable on Google Playstore   *   *      
5.   Applock By Ivymobile   Free   –   Android app available   –   *      

Benefits of the Safe Lagoon Monitoring App

1. Be in Full Control of Your Kid’s Activity

Regardless of how diligent you are as a parent, your kids will, at one point or another, access the internet without your consent. When this happens, you will not be in a position to warn them against accessing certain websites. However, with Safe Lagoon software, you can set the parameters that regulate browsing activities even in your absence.

2. Prevent Malware Attacks

By controlling the information kids can access using their devices, you will be lowering the chances of them stumbling into malware. Younger kids can come across a warning page but keep clicking as they have little knowledge about it. Safe Lagoon can save them in such instances.

3. Your Kids are Becoming Tech Savvy

If you have older kids who have learned how to bypass your settings and restrictions, then you may want to use a superior parental control app – in this case, Safe Lagoon.

4. You Want Your Kids to Focus on Useful Things

By blocking access to particular websites and applications, your kids will have only one option left – to use what you haven’t restricted. The content you leave unrestricted should be kid-friendly and educational to add value to their lives.

5. Monitor How Long or When Kids Can Use Devices

The Safe Lagoon app makes it extremely easy to monitor your child’s activity on electronic devices. You can lock or unlock your kid’s device from wherever you are.

The Bottom Line

Safe Lagoon is meant for parents who are always concerned about what their kids are doing online. It lets you add a layer of protection to your kid’s online activities, thus ensuring they are doing the right thing at the right time. The app saves you the hassle of manual monitoring, which would be, in most cases, ineffective.

Other Parental Control Apps

Safe Lagoon is a solid parental control app. Some of my other favorites include:

About the Author

Jason has over 25 years in the information and internet security industry. He is passionate about smartphones, gadgets, and technology. He also got a solid background in programming and software.  This includes Python, C++, app development and more.

jason thompson