Home » Parental Control Apps » WebWatcher Review: Smartphone and Computer Monitoring App

WebWatcher Review: Smartphone and Computer Monitoring App

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Welcome to my WebWatcher Review for iPhones, Android phones, Macs, Chromebooks, and PC computers.

As a parent we must protect our teenagers and kids from dangerous content, cyberbullying, online scams, and more.

WebWatcher is a parental control app that allows you see text messages, social media account activity, visited websites, chat apps and instant messages, phone call logs, and lots more.

WebWatcher works with iOS devices, Android devices, Macs and Windows PCs. It is completely undetectable and does not require jailbreaking or rooting the target device.

Let’s see how WebWatcher compares to other cell phone monitoring software for children and teenagers.

My WebWatcher Review

WebWatcher is a parental control app that allows you to monitor your child’s smartphone usage and activities. This includes the use of social media apps like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. It works on a wide variety of operating systems. Once installed WebWatcher operates in stealth mode and cannot be detected.


  • Compatible with almost any smartphone or computer
  • No jailbreak or root required
  • Instant alerts
  • Undetectable


  • Must disable security features and antivirus
  • Requires physical access to phone or device
  • Only updates when device is on same wi-fi network

WebWatcher Features

The WebWatcher parental control app offers a wide variety of features for monitoring your children’s phone activity. Here are a few of the most important features.

SMS Text Message Monitoring

WebWatcher allows you to monitor all incoming and outgoing SMS text messages. You can also monitor iMessages on iOS devices. In some cases you can see deleted text messages. From your dashboard you can quickly see each text conversation as well as the contact information of the person they are texting.

Access Media and Photos

WebWatcher allows you to see photos and videos stored on the device. This includes pictures sent to the phone via text message or social media messenger apps.

View Web Browser History

WebWatcher allows you to monitor visited websites and other internet activity. In addition to their web history you can also view bookmarks, Youtube history, and more. You will not be able to see sites that are visited in Incognito Mode.

View Call Log History

WebWatcher enables parents to track incoming and outgoing phone calls from their children’s devices. It also shows you the number dialed and the call duration.

Monitor Social Media Platforms

WebWatcher allows you to monitor a number of social media platforms. You can access apps like Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Kik, Instagram, and Tinder. You can also access instant messengers on certain phones.

App Monitoring

If you do not know what applications your children use, this feature will allow you to see the list of apps your children have installed on their devices.

GPS Location Tracking

The GPS tracking feature allows you to see where your child’s device is on a map. You can also view a recent history of locations.

Capture Screenshots

The program allows you to capture screenshots whenever you like to see exactly what your child is doing on their screen at that moment.

How Does WebWatcher Work?

WebWatcher works by downloading all activity from the target phone

allows parents to monitor their children’s smartphone activities such as text messages, call logs, browser history, GPS location, and Photos. Additionally, it monitors their social media activities such as Tinder, Facebook, and WhatsApp.

This app monitors the target device’s online activities, records them, and then sends the collected data to the parent’s online control panel which they can access with their own credentials.

Parents can monitor all of these activities through their control panel. This app will be of great help for you if you are an employer looking to monitor your employees’ online activities at work, or a parent concerned for their child’s wellbeing, or even if you are an individual looking to monitor your own device if you are worried someone else could be using it.

WebWatcher Installation

The WebWatcher app is very easy to install and use. The process takes about five minutes of your time. It can work on any type of computer or mobile device.

Installation on iPhone

Installing WebWatcher for iPhones is very simple. You’ll need a couple minutes of access to the device to connect it to your Mac or PC. You will not need physical access after the installation is completed.

Installation on Android

The installation of WebWatcher on an Android device takes about 5 minutes. You will need access to the Android device.

You should be aware that installation involves turning off Android’s Play Protect so future app downloads won’t be scanned to ensure safety.

Follow the steps in this link to install WebWatcher on the target Android device.

The app works discretely and quietly, it does not get in the way of other applications your child is using and does not slow down the device it runs on either. One of its great features is that users cannot tamper, remove, or install the app once it’s been installed.

Free Trial

WebWatcher allows users to try their services for free for a week. You can afterward choose to commit to the app or find a different one that suits your needs more.

WebWatcher FAQs

What Makes WebWatcher Different From Other Spy Apps?

As this application offers you plenty of features to help you keep track of your employees and your loved ones, it also offers users optimal compatibility, as it works with almost any Android phone or tablet, iPad, Mac systems, iPhones, Windows computers, and laptops.

No need to jailbreak to install this application. Jailbreaking can damage devices and make the apps on the phone work slower, which makes WebWatcher perfect for any device as it keeps them safe from the risks of jailbreaking.

How Much Does WebWatcher Cost Monthly?

WebWatcher offers two plans, either $59.95 for three months or $129.95 for 12 months. Both of those pricing plans offer the users perfect compatibility, advanced and standard features, and unlimited storage space for the data collected from the target device.

Is WebWatcher Undetectable?

The application is advertised by the company as an “undetectable software” that can be used as parental control or can be used by employers to monitor their employees’ online activities while working.

How Long Does it Take to Install WebWatcher?

The process takes no longer than five minutes to find and install the app onto a computer as long as it operates on Windows 7 or a newer version.

Can I Use WebWatcher on Multiple Devices?

Even though the app is available for iPhones, Androids, Mac, Chromebook, and Windows, the subscription is only limited to one device. So in case you have more than one device you would like to monitor, you would need multiple subscriptions.

Does WebWatcher Have Tools to Prevent Screen Time Addiction?

Unfortunately no, WebWatcher is purely a monitoring tool, it cannot place screen time restrictions to avoid the overuse of a device.

Webwatcher vs PhoneSheriff

While Webwatcher is a great solution for parents who need to keep track of their online activities, my favorite for Android phones is PhoneSheriff.

Final Verdict

If you are a concerned parent looking to keep your children safe from the online dangers of scammers and bullies, this is the best application you can find for that matter.

However, if you are looking to take control over your child’s phone and be able to change things such as install and uninstall apps, restrict the screen time, or delete and add contacts on the phonebook, you might want to consider looking into different options.

About the Author

Jason has over 25 years in the information and internet security industry. He is passionate about smartphones, gadgets, and technology. He also got a solid background in programming and software.  This includes Python, C++, app development and more.

jason thompson