How to Hack a Cell Phone in 2022: Access iPhones & Androids

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Home » Phone Hacks » How to Hack a Cell Phone in 2022: Access iPhones & Androids

In this post you’ll learn how to hack a phone so you can see EVERYTHING that they do.

Mobile phone hacking used to be limited to government agencies, security experts, and professional hackers. This is because cell phones have powerful built-in security features. But now there are ways for people like you and me to hack someone’s phone without them knowing.

You’ll be able to monitor text messages, social media chats, GPS location history, phone calls, their phone camera, and more.

You’ll learn a few different ways to monitor a mobile phone, including one that only requires the user’s phone number. These tools can be used to monitor loved ones, employees, or whoever.

How to Hack a Cell Phone

both iOS and Android devices are supported

You have your reasons for wanting to learn how to hack a phone. And it’s none of my business.

But smartphone manufacturers take security VERY seriously. Both the iOS and Android operating systems use use powerful encryption to secure their user’s data.

The security is just about impossible to hack without software specifically designed to do so.

Mobile phone spyware apps are one of the only ways around this security. I have highlighted some of my favorite cell phone spy apps in this article.

Some apps only work with certain mobile devices.  Let’s take a look at ways to hack two of the most popular types of phones.

How to Hack Into an iPhone

iPhones and the iOS operating system have some of the best security in the world. But you can hack into an iPhone using hacking tools that are available online.

These spying applications come in a few different varieties. Below you will find the pros and cons of each.

Hack an iPhone Without Access to It

There are two ways to hack into an iPhone remotely. One requires the user’s iCloud credentials. The other requires only the phone number.

There is a BIG difference in the amount of information you can get using these methods.

Hacking an iPhone Remotely with iCloud

Spy apps are the most reliable way to hack into an iPhone remotely.

iPhone Spy apps download everything from the target phone’s iCloud account to a web based interface for you to view.

There are dozens of spying app companies out there. Unfortunately, many of them are junk.

But there are a few spy apps that work very well.

At the top of the list is uMobix. It offers the most monitoring features and the best price. You can click here to learn more about uMobix.

Follow the steps below to hack into someone’s iPhone using their iCloud account.

  1. Purchase iPhone Spyware: My favorite iPhone spy app is uMobix. They offer the most spy features of any app on the market.
  2. Login to your account.
  3. Enter the iCloud credentials of the target user into the required fields.
  4. The spying app will then download all of the user’s information directly from their account.
Why Use the iCloud Method?

The uMobix iCloud spy app gives you access to all of the following information:

  • iMessage & text message chats
  • Facebook Account & Facebook Messegner Chats
  • Instagram, Skype, & WhatsApp chats
  • phone call logs
  • GPS location data
  • web browsing history

Remotely Hack an iPhone Using the Phone Number

It is possible to hack an iPhone with just the phone number.

But this method is VERY limited in terms of how much information you can see. In fact, this method ONLY allows you to track the physical location of the device. Follow the steps below to hack an iPhone with it’s phone number.

  1. Sign up for an account with a phone number tracking service. My favorite is
  2. Enter the phone number of the device you want to track.
  3. The system will then tell you if the phone can be tracked.
  4. Enter your credit card details to start tracking the phone’s location.

If you need more than just location data you will need to use the iCloud method above.

Want to learn about our favorite tool for monitoring someone else’s phone? Check out my review of the uMobix cell phone monitoring app.

Hacking an iPhone with Physical Access

If you have access to the iPhone you want to hack you can monitor a lot more information.

Some software requires you to “jailbreak” (iOS devices) the phone. This allows you to monitor apps like Facebook messenger, Tinder, Instagram, Snapchat and other apps.

Spy apps like iKeyMonitor give you access to everything on the phone. Below are the steps you’ll need to get started.

  1. From the target iPhone you will need to install software to jailbreak the operating system
  2. Download and install iKeyMonitor or comparable product on the target device.
  3. Adjust any security settings required by the spyware app
  4. From your computer or mobile device, sign into your online dashboard to view all the phone’s data.

Jailbreaking an iPhone can be somewhat complicated so if the company offers a service to do this for you, it is recommended to pay the additional charge as it will save you the headache of doing it yourself.

Some hacking tools, like FlexiSPY, offer a service where they will handle the installation of the app remotely for you for a one-time fee.

How to Hack an Android Device

Since Android devices do not connect to iCloud there is no way to hack these smartphones without installing the software on the device. This means you WILL need physical access to the device.

Android tracking tools offer the following functionality:

  • track current location
  • call logs and history
  • monitor texts
  • tracking browser activities
  • Android software notifications

To get full access to everything on Android devices you will most likely need to install software on it. There are two ways of going about this. One method is to root the device, however this can be messy and intimidating to less tech savvy individuals. The other is to use an app that doesn’t require rooting the Android device.

You will still be able to access just about everything on the Android phone.

Click Here for Best Price

Why Use a Cell Phone Hacking App

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article there are lot’s of reasons why you would want to learn how to hack into someone’s cell phone.

Let’s take a look at some of the top uses. These apply for both an Android phone or iPhone.

Catching a Cheating Spouse, Girlfriend or Boyfriend

An unfortunate reality of such easy digital communication is that it can help people cheat on their spouses or significant others. If you need to read your boyfriend’s text messages or see who your wife is texting with, a hacking app or spy app is one solution.

In fact, not only can you see their current conversations including the other person’s contact information, you can even see deleted text messages and chat conversations.

All of this user information is stored in your online dashboard for you to access at any time you wish.

Intercept and Read Text Messages

One of the most frequent questions we get is how can I monitor my child’s text messages and social media accounts without them knowing.

A spyware app is a very elegant solution for this. Not only can you keep tabs on their SMS texts and iMessages.

Monitor Phone Calls

One of the most basic functions of hacking an iOS or Android phone is to monitor phone logs.  Here you can easily see who is calling and when.  This allows you to take steps to find out what is going on.  Calls are kept in your dashboard to review as you wish.  Even if the user deletes calls, they still show up.

The most powerful app out there, FlexiSPY, will even allow you to record calls.  These calls are then available in your control panel.

Read Someone’s Whatsapp Messages

In addition to all of the location and text monitoring features, these software packages allow you to view chat messages from many of today’s most popular chat apps. This includes spying on Whatsapp messages.

Simply login to your control panel and select WhatsApp from the list of apps. You’ll be able to see sent and received messages as well as view who sent what and who said what.

You’ll also have access to any images or videos that are sent using the Whatsapp platform from the target device.

Monitoring Social Media Accounts

Want to know how to keep tabs on the targets chats? One of the easiest ways to keep tabs on someone’s behavior is to check their social media accounts.  Facebook Messenger, Instagram messages, Snapchat and others apps offer multiple ways for people to communicate.  Of course these can be used for good and bad purposes.

Children today can be subjected to online bullying that can go completely unreported if you’re not able to check in on them from time to time.  This is something that previous generations never had to deal with.  As a parent it’s important to be able to step in and make sure your child is safe.

Monitor Snapchat

snapchat app icon

Snapchat is another popular sharing application. It’s great for sharing messages, images and videos. But just like an SMS texting app it can be used abused. Monitoring the Snapchat app allows you to see exactly what the target device owner sees. All messages, videos, and files are available for you to browse.

All of this is easily accessible from the online control panel. Here is some more information about how to monitor Snapchat.

In addition to monitoring text messages, monitoring software like mSpy allows you to monitor the gps location of the mobile Android phone. This too can be accomplished without installing software on the target device.

Track GPS Location

The GPS tracking feature is very powerful, allowing you to setup safe zones for your kids, monitor employees that aren’t where they’re supposed to be, or even keep tabs on your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife if you suspect them of cheating.

Tracking the location of a smartphone is something that will come with just about any tracking app out there.

Monitor Internet Browser History

In addition to keeping tabs on all communication you can also monitor the browsing history of the phone. This powerful feature allows you to see what your kids are looking at online, or see what your employees are doing when they’re supposed to be working.

From your control panel you’ll be able to see all the websites that have been visited and when.  You can even see media files stored on the target device.  This will work no matter what browser they choose to use.

Monitor From Your Phone

A nice feature of this particular software is that it makes it possible to hack someone’s Android phone from your device. Simply login to your control panel and you’ll be able to view everything from the target phone. The dashboard is highly intuitive and easy to use and works on many types of smartphones.

Monitor From Your Computer

Sometimes checking things on your phone can be a pain due to the limited amount of screen space. mSpy also allows you to login to your control panel remotely using your computer. It’s web based so it will work on both Windows and Mac machines. The dashboard on your computer offers all of the same functionality as from your phone.

Want to learn more about mSpy?

How Can You Hack Someone’s Phone With Just Their Number?

While it would certainly be convenient, there is no way to hack someone’s phone just by having their phone number. A tracking app needs to either reside on the phone or in the case of an iOS device you can secretly download their iCloud backups to see the data from the target phone.

The Android operating system will not allow you to hack into it remotely.  In the case of Android you will need access to the target device to hack someones phone.

You can find someone’s location by cell phone number, but you won’t be able to access any of the data on the phone itself.

How to Tell if Your Cell Phone is Being Monitored?

There are many ways that someone could tap or monitor your phone using software.

If you share your phone’s password with someone they can then download and install a hacking app that would allow them to see nearly everything you do.

Or if you own an iPhone and use the same username and password everywhere someone might be able to download your backups from the iCloud.

For this reason it’s a good idea to keep your device safe and keep usernames and passwords secret except from those you trust the most. This should keep your information as safe as possible.

The ability to remotely hack someone’s android phone without physical access to the device is a powerful tool that allows you to keep tabs on your employees, kids, or whoever.

If you think your device is compromised you can use a code to check if the phone is hacked.

Phone Hacking Legal Issues

It’s important to understand that cell phone hacking is only legal if you are the owner of the target device.  For example it might be your child or employee’s device and you need to keep track of their activities.  Some states and countries consider it a crime to install an app that tracks a user or to spy on their mobile device.

About the Author

Jason has over 25 years in the information and internet security industry. He is passionate about smartphones, gadgets, and technology. He also got a solid background in programming and software.  This includes Python, C++, app development and more.

jason thompson