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Smartphone Hacking: See Chats, Texts, Emails, and More.

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In this post you’ll learn how to into various smartphones and apps so you can monitor someone’s online activities. This includes Android or iOS phones, Gmail, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and more.

We cover all of the following topics:

  • hacking an Android phone
  • hacking an iOS phone or tablet
  • hacking social media apps and more

Mobile phone hacking used to be limited to government agencies, security experts, and professional hackers. This is because cell phones have powerful built-in security features.

But now there are ways for anyone to hack someone’s phone without them knowing.

These hacking tools monitor text messages, social media chats, GPS location history, phone calls, their phone camera, and more.

You’ll learn a few different ways to monitor a mobile phone, including one that only requires the user’s phone number. These tools can be used to monitor loved ones, employees, or whoever.

Hacking an Android Cell Phone or Tablet

Cell phone hacking apps are the best way to hack someone’s Android phone or tablet. These apps can monitor a wide range of activities on someone’s phone.

Android hacking tools offer the following features:

  • track current location
  • call logs and history
  • monitor texts
  • tracking browser activities
  • Social media activity
  • Android software notifications

Installing a hacking app on an Android device requires physical access to the target device. This process cannot be done remotely because it requires disabling several security features built into the Android operating system.

Hacking an iPhone or iOS Device

iPhones and the iOS operating system have some of the best security in the world. But it is possible to hack into an iPhone if you have the right software.

iPhone hacking apps access iPhones using 2 different methods. The first uses iCloud backups to hack into backups stored in the cloud.

The second method of hacking an iPhone requires jailbreaking the operating system and installing a spying app.

These spying applications come in a few different varieties. Below you will find the pros and cons of each.

Hacking Someone’s Messages

In addition to all of the location and text monitoring features, these software packages allow you to view text messages and chat messages from many of today’s most popular chat apps.

Hacking Text Messages and iMessages

Text messages are still one of the most popular ways for people to communicate. They are also one of the most insecure forms of communication. It is relatively easy to use an app to hack text messages from someone’s phone, even if you don’t have access to it.

These apps work on both Android and iOS devices. They can monitor and record SMS and iMessages.

Hacking WhatsApp Messages

WhatsApp offers end-to-end encryption on all messages, but WhatsApp hacking apps allow you to read someone else’s conversations. Some apps even allow you to record calls from within the WhatsApp app.

These apps are compatible with both iOS and Android operating systems.

Simply login to your control panel and select WhatsApp from the list of apps. You’ll be able to see sent and received messages as well as view who sent what and who said what.

You’ll also have access to any images or videos that are sent using the Whatsapp platform from the target device.

Hacking Social Media Accounts

Hacking platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat is incredibly difficult because these companies use advanced security and encryption. But it is possible to use phone hacking apps to access Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and many more.

Hacking Snapchat Activity and Messages

snapchat app icon

Snapchat is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. It’s great for sharing messages, images and videos. But just like an SMS texting app it can be used abused.

Snapchat hacking apps allows you to see activity in someone else’s Snapchat account. All messages, videos, and files are available for you to browse.

All of this is easily accessible from the online control panel. Here is some more information about how to monitor Snapchat.

Hacking Email and Gmail

Email is still an important form of communication. While it is not as popular with younger generations, it is still used all the time in business.

Apps like Gmail are very secure, but there are ways to bypass this security. Gmail hacking apps target smartphone vulnerabilities to access sent and received emails.

Why People Use Cell Phone Hacking Apps

You have your reasons for wanting to learn how to hack a phone. And it’s none of my business.

Mobile phone spyware apps are one solution to get around a smartphone’s built-in security. Spy apps hack into someone’s phone and monitor their activity.

Let’s take a look at some of the top uses. These apply for both an Android phone or iPhone.

Catch a Cheating Spouse, Girlfriend or Boyfriend

An unfortunate reality of such easy digital communication is that it can help people cheat on their spouses or significant others. If you need to read your boyfriend’s text messages or see who your wife is texting with, a hacking app or spy app is one solution.

In fact, not only can you see their current conversations including the other person’s contact information, you can even see deleted text messages and chat conversations.

All of this user information is stored in your online dashboard for you to access at any time you wish.

Track GPS Location

In addition to monitoring text messages, hacking software allows you to monitor the gps location of the mobile Android phone. This too can be accomplished without installing software on the target device.

Tracking the location of a smartphone is something that will come with just about any tracking app out there.

Intercept and Read Text Messages

One of the most frequent questions we get is how can I monitor my child’s text messages and social media accounts without them knowing.

A spyware app is a very elegant solution for this. Not only can you keep tabs on their SMS texts and iMessages.

Monitor Phone Calls

One of the most basic functions of hacking an iOS or Android phone is to monitor phone logs.  Here you can easily see who is calling and when.  This allows you to take steps to find out what is going on.  Calls are kept in your dashboard to review as you wish.  Even if the user deletes calls, they still show up.

The most powerful app out there, FlexiSPY, will even allow you to record calls.  These calls are then available in your control panel.

The GPS tracking feature is very powerful, allowing you to setup safe zones for your kids, monitor employees that aren’t where they’re supposed to be, or even keep tabs on your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife if you suspect them of cheating.

Monitor Internet Browser History

In addition to keeping tabs on all communication you can also monitor the browsing history of the phone. This powerful feature allows you to see what your kids are looking at online, or see what your employees are doing when they’re supposed to be working.

From your control panel you’ll be able to see all the websites that have been visited and when.  You can even see media files stored on the target device.  This will work no matter what browser they choose to use.

Phone Hacking FAQs

How Can You Hack Someone’s Phone With Just Their Number?

There is no way to hack someone’s phone just by having their phone number. Only a phone’s GPS location can be tracked using the phone number.

You can find someone’s location by cell phone number, but you won’t be able to access any of the data on the phone itself.

How to Tell if Your Cell Phone Has Been Hacked?

Phones that have been hacked often display unusual behavior. There are many ways that someone could tap or monitor your phone using software.

If you share your phone’s password with someone they can then download and install a hacking app that would allow them to see nearly everything you do.

Or if you own an iPhone and use the same username and password everywhere someone might be able to download your backups from the iCloud.

If you think your device is compromised you can use a code to check if the phone is hacked.

How to Prevent Your Phone from Being Hacked

To protect your phone from being hacked you should keep your device safe. Use complex usernames and passwords and never share them with anyone.

Is Phone Hacking Legal?

It’s important to understand that cell phone hacking is only legal if you are the owner of the target device.

For example it might be your child or employee’s device and you need to keep track of their activities. Some states and countries consider it a crime to install an app that tracks a user or to spy on their mobile device.

About the Author

Jason has over 25 years in the information and internet security industry. He is passionate about smartphones, gadgets, and technology. He also got a solid background in programming and software.  This includes Python, C++, app development and more.

jason thompson